
Giveaways are fun, but blogging is still dangerous

Posted on Monday~March 23, 2009

Remember the Micromachine's Man, the speed talker of the 80's? Those commercials always overwhelmed me. I couldn't believe he could talk that fast, so I would sit and practice talking like him and I could never do it. So frustrating.

My point? This post should be read like the Micromachine Man talks. Ready? GO!

We're packing up the trusty Chevy and driving out to my parent's this morning to stay for the week. (I know, my parents are SO lucky.) We'll be four-wheelin, feeding the neighbor's horses, and going for walks in the country in no time.

So I'm in a hurry and apparently so is Asher:
(You'd think I'd know by now not to tell my children we're leaving until we're in the car.)

And I've been a little on the overly busy side these days, so I have to shoot some bullets at you.

Wait, let me say that differently. I'll try again...

I need to share some things with you bullet-point style. There, that's better. That's a little different than "shoot some bullets at you."
SHEESH! What is my problem???


Do you want to know who won the giveaway??? OK, let's get started!

  • LisAway!!! You are the lucky winner of the giveaway! I will send the latest SIGNED release from Jodi Picoult, Handle With Care just as soon as you email me your information! Thank you all for playing along and Congrats to Lisa!

  • I still want another baby, even if that's a little nuts since our boys keep us sleep-deprived and Ryan travels for work and we're STILL remodeling/adding on to our house and that's STRESSFUL. Yup, I'm a glutton for punishment (as long as it makes my heart explode with love.)
  • Do you want to see something I purchased with the $250 Target card I won from Auds at Barking Mad? Oh....OK! Prepare yourself, it's pretty...
This photo DOES NOT do it justice, but I'm in love. The colors just plain rock. Seriously,
an area rug...I never would have bought this without that gift card. Thank you endlessly, Auds!

Oh, would you look at that? Daddy is tired of the crying so he's putting Asher's sweater on, making him believe we're getting closer to going out the door. Sheesh, I gotta hurry...

  • I've received blog awards that I still haven't recognized and they are from loooong ago. I have been so scattered and busy and behind. So I ask the givers of the awards to forgive me and I hope they will....Oh, look! Now they're getting the shoes on, I gotta wrap this up or they'll leave me,
  • Does anyone else watch Friday Night Lights? I don't know what it is about this show exactly, but I love it. Ryan is a big fan, so this is good for our marriage. We practically cross Fridays off the calendar to make sure we'll be sitting on the couch at 8 pm. This show IS NOT just about high school football. It's well done, with good character development and plot lines that showcase the many layers of relationships. You should check it out if you haven't. Watch old episodes on-line and catch up. Please? Then we can talk about it...
"Ryan! Asher! Wait for Mommy!!! And where the heck is Miles?"

"Thank you! Yes, wait right there."

Oh, I guess we're going...

Where IS Miles?
Oh no...it's been so quiet...



Shut up.

"ASHER! COME BACK!!! We're not quite ready to go..."

I guess that wraps things up here...
Sometimes blogging can be so dangerous.

"Ryan! Bring me the plunger!"
"And call my parents and tell them we're going to be late."


The End.

44 clicked right here to comment:

Rach@In His Hands said...

Ha! Shut up. That last pic is hilarious!

Asher is absolutely adorable in that sweater. So cute in fact, it's making my heart want to burst......pray that the Lord allows our referral call to come SOON!!!! I need my baby.

I'm SO jealous of that rug...it does rock!

Enjoy your week!

LisAway said...

"I cannnnnot believe it!" (That's from Little Einsteins, in case you didn't recognize it, since nobody else in the world ever says it except Quincy.)

Thank you SO much! I'm so excited! I'll email you my sister's address. That is so awesome.

What a great post. Every single detail can be understood by any mother, starting with the ALWAYS telling your kids you're going somewhere too early.

I hope you have a great time at your parent's house and get lots of rest and play a lot, too!

Jillene said...

Have a GREAT time at your parents and Congrats to the winners!!

Ronda's Rants said...

* Love the rug!
* So funny!
* Have fun!

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

So fun and funny! Felt like I was there while all that was going on!

Annette Lyon said...

Because you said to, I couldn't help but read this post with the Micromachine dude in my head.

Congrats to Lisa! I'll try not to pout too much. :D

NorahS said...

Hahahahahahaha! It's always dangerous when they get too quiet!

Love the rug!!!

Have a great time.

jodilee0123 said...

Yeah, our toilet paper has been mysteriously disappearing a bit faster than I thought we were using it! haha!! That is way too funny! Well, at least for me because I don't have to clean it up! Have an EXCELLENT week!

Erin said...

How cute! I'm sorry for the cleanup. And congrats to Lisa!

Lara Neves said...

I look forward to the day when I can spend much less on toilet paper than I do now.

Have fun!

a Tonggu Momma said...

LOVE that last photo. Are you sure the Tongginator didn't sneak over to your house?

And where did you get that rug? I can't say for certain, but I think it matches my family room. So... where did you get it?

Kristina P. said...

That rug is awesome!

Have a great trip!

Debbie said...

I am thinking bad thoughts toward poor LisAway right now and it is not her fault she won the book that should have rightfully been mine. Plus, that is a seriously great rug. Good for you!

Muthering Heights said...

Hmmm, I beleive unclogging the toilet falls under the category of "husband chores," no? ;P

Have a fun week visiting your family!

Mammatalk said...

Love it! I can so relate. Love the carpet. So glad the gift card was put to good use!

Anonymous said...

That was awesome except for the part where somebody else won the book. But Asher's cute little face and the bathroom incident made up for it.

What a gorgeous area rug! I love the little extra treats giveaways provide.

Sara@iSass said...

This reminds me of Miss Hannigan from Annie...

mrs boo radley said...

"I'm a glutton for punishment (as long as it makes my heart explode with love.)"


One time my brother and I TP'd the living room...with WET toilet paper. Have I written about that before?

Becky said...

Just reading this post got me all stressed out, and my kids are being good right now! I think...

Have a great time and I'll keep my fingers crossed that there are no more toilet paper incidents.

Jo said...

Hilarious! And what a finale! We will all consider ourselves (and our plumbing systems) warned re: the perils of blogging.
Have fun with the parents!

Anonymous said...

Tim Riggins and I are secretly dating. I think that means we can talk.

Nina said...

Can't take your eyes of of them for a second....LOL.

Enjoy your week of fun. Sounds like you will be having a good time.

happygeek said...

Have a seriously fun va-cay. Keep that boy away from the TP!
LOVE the pics of Asher in his little sweater.

Growin' With It said...

i did pretty good reading FAST, until i saw the tp photo...then i lost all track of mind. you are a HOOT!! and so are your kids.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it's always that "calm" before the storm. I know mine are up to no good when it's silent.

This was an awesome post, just the sort of thing to keep me smiling all day. The rug IS beautiful! I'm so happy for you. =]

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

Oh my word. You are so my twin. That is so my life LOL Whyyyyy can't we live closer, so we can commisserate over spilled coffee together?

That Girl said...


I should do a running script of what goes on when I blog, too ...

Heidi said...

I love you.

Aquaspce said...

You are Hysterical! Thanks for the laugh and sorry 'bout your toilet....

Deb said...

i am exhausted after reading your post. i think i need a nap! have a relaxing, fun week (and keep an eye on miles)!

oh, and LOVE the rug!

Anonymous said...

Love the play-by-play with the perfect punchline. Enjoy the respite with your folks.

Jen said...

Congrats to the winner.
And this post is so much like my life. ;)

Karen Mello Burton said...

The photo documentary of your attempted exit was terrific! Sorry about the loo. I remember those tp-loving days! Have a great week, and congrats to Lisa!

Julia said...

Hi! Finally catching up with visitors to my blog...thanks so much for coming by. The UBP can take it's toll on a blogger...

That toilet is outrageous. Glad I was not there! :) or should I say :(

Unknown said...

I forgot all about that guy...I can picture him perfectly!

Sarah@Life in the Parsonage said...

Love you. Love your cute kids. Love the rug, it would SO match my house...good thing you live a few hours away, or I'd find you and steal it ;) Love the toilet.

jmt said...

So where was Miles found? :) He's been MIA lately.....and our toilet paper disappears really fast around here, I wonder if I should do some investigating.....

Blessed said...

Thanks for the laugh... and I understand - things like that seem to happen around here too :)

Anonymous said...

I love the rug, indeed I do!

Asher is the poster child for adorable! You do make cute babies!

Friday Night Lights? I do love the show. I've grown rather fond of the characters despite the idiot choices they often make. I guess that's what keeps it engaging - the whole soap-opera-ish-ness of it. Haven't watched this season, but will catch up in time.

Uh...have fun dealing with Asher's creative use of toilet paper. I got mad plunging tips for ya!

The Blonde Duck said...

I'm glad you liked the post with Francesca! I hope you come back to the Pond to visit!

Sabrina said...

When you are gone Im going to sneak over and roll around on your totally freaking awesome rug! They sell that at a target store or online?
Have fun at the folks!

Radioactive Tori said...

You are making me laugh. Kids are awesome and so are you!

I love the rug! Good for you for treating yourself instead of just buying diapers or something practical and boring with it!

Peanut said...

Funny, funny pictures. I'm always like, do I enjoy the silence or do I investigate? Usually, it's worth investigating!

I too have learned that you don't tell the kids we are going until we are right ready to go!

I just put "Handle with care" on hold at the library. Can't wait to read it. I've been craving a good read.

Enjoy your time away :)

Dedee said...

I shouldn't laugh.

No really, I shouldn't.

But I am.

Only because I have a picture, with my daughter in it, just like that!

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