
Sometimes I just can't think of a title

Posted on Sunday~March 29, 2009

I haven't really known where to go after my last two posts. Talking about the sad stuff, the sickness, the loss...I didn't know what to say after that.

I have a tendency to just randomly post whatever is on my mind and heart on a particular day. There's no rhyme or reason. I don't have any one particular kind of blog, which gives me a bit too much freedom. I can attempt humor, I can wax philosophical, I can mommy blog, I can vent, and so on. I'm sure visiting here is a bit like arriving to a theater without knowing what kind of movie you're going to, but I'm not going to apologize for that. (Sorry.) This is how I roll. Those of you with ADD will totally understand, I'm sure.

Now what was my point? Oh yeah...

I still couldn't figure out what to say because there was just too much in my head. And then I remembered I have another blog with some friends and we're having a conversation with a reader post by post. That blog is about faith, and so many of my thoughts about my neighbors losing their baby girl, Stellan's heart, etc., would fit that conversation. So I posted my brain's over-load over there today.

All that to say that if you're just DYING to know what I've been thinking, it's on the If Life is a Highway blog. And if you must know, it's about miracles, humility, and what the heck God is doing and stuff. (Yes, just a little light reading.)

Tomorrow I'll be back with whatever random thing that pops into my busy brain. I'm thinking it might be about time for a "From the Mouth of Miles" post...We'll see. I make no promises cause you just never know. (Isn't it SO exciting?) (That was sarcasm.)

There. I feel less disjointed now. (For some reason.) Thank you.

17 clicked right here to comment:

Heidi said...

Whatever you have to say, it's all good. Always.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter what you say, we'll listen. :)

I think most of our blogs are all a mish mash, aren't they?

Sheryl said...

love your blog, but you know that. however, why am i just now finding out about this other one? heading over there now!

Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

I have been feeling like there is too much going on my head and not enough brain power to organize and post about any of it lately too.

That Girl said...

Siphoning brain overload and ADD outlet-ing is the POINT of blogging, girl.

Use it. You do it well.

carrhop said...

I'll have to check out the site--thanks for the link--

I too have felt the weight of Stellan's situation. Praying, praying here--


Anonymous said...

I could use a little mouthing off from Miles. =]

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said...

Random or not, I enjoy your posts a lot. I am glad to hear whatever is on your mind.

Sadness has surrounded so many of us for the last few weeks but I am trying very hard to keep posting in some order, it helps my mind ease a little.

debi9kids said...

Boy do I know EXACTLY what you mean about going from one thing to the next. I think that's why I have a million different blogs...LOL
Off to check out your other post :)

Karen Mello Burton said...

I say, "Just say it, Heather." And I will read it. :)

Debbie said...

I like your blog being just the way it is. I feel like it is a conversation with a real friend. Those aren't always about one single topic either. Don't change.

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

You have been on my mind throughout this busy weekend. Is it warm there yet? And sunny? I think you need to take the kids out for some fun in the sun.

Stellan has been weighing heavily on my heart, too (pardon the pun that I had not intended in the least). I ache for them.

Title or no, I'm here, reading, always. If you don't mind ;)

Elisa said...

A fellow ADDer here... I totally get you! And, that's why I like you so much.

LisAway said...

I love that you won't apologize for blogging about everything, but you will apologize for not apologizing. Or was that "(sorry)" because you changed your mind and actually ARE sorry about posting on different subjects? Oh, I'm so confused.

I love coming to your theater.

Becky said...

Heck, that's why I started a blog - so I could say what I wanted when I wanted and get all that random stuff out of my head to be replaced with new random stuff. You know?

Elizabeth said...

I don't have ADD, but my husband does. You two are fun to have around!

I've been sad too, and it's been hard to post anything light b/c so many are hurting. It is overwhelming to pray for so many babies, but I just have to.

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

I'm with you. There's that "Oh-you-have-to-have-a-good-SEO-title" person on one shoulder, barking at me, and the other, who loves to write, who doesn't care, who says "Write-what-you-want" and me, who would love to incorporate both, but is beginning to wonder why, anymore.

I'm losing a battle I didn't even know I was even fighting.

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