
A Dose of Humor

Posted on Saturday~March 28, 2009

I have good news today! Can you stand it?

If you're here from 5 Minutes for Parenting, HI! Welcome to the EO! Now that I (hopefully) made you laugh with my McFear post over at 5 Minutes for Parenting, let's see if I can make you cry! I know, fun game...

This post shares my feelings about how fast my boys will grow and how badly I want to Remember. (I will now plug this post furthur by saying it was featured on Blog Nosh Magazine, Mama Manifesto, and the Bloggers Annex. And I was totally flattered.)

And now, HI GUYS! (you regular folks, you!) Yes, you guessed it. A post of mine is over at 5 Minutes for Parenting!

Every Saturday, 5 Minutes for Parenting features a post that's funny, giving you a Dose of Humor.

(If you have some humorous parenting related posts, go on over and submit them. Easy peasy.)

The post of mine there today is from many moons ago. Here's your teaser: I make fun of myself and McDonald's. I know, you're totally intrigued now. Go check it out! (Please?)

Happy weekend!

(Grandma, if you want to read the McFear post, you click on the underlined Dose of Humor above and it will take you there. Love you!)

14 clicked right here to comment:

a Tonggu Momma said...

I'd have had to make the font bigger on my Grandma note... otherwise, my message would have been the same. ;)

Jen said...

That was a great post. Too funny. Congrats on your feature!

Unknown said...

Off to check out your post...and how sweet that you showed Grams how to get there

mrs boo radley said...

Ha! I wish my grandma would read my blog. I wish my grandma had a computer. I wish my grandma had voicemail.

But you know, she's the only one that ever sends me hand-written letter...you know the ones...they come in an envelope...paper inside...marked in--what's it called--oh, yes, pen. Crazy, I know.

Jo said...

Loved McFear! Back in the potty training days, my son had a habit (as in both times I caved and we hit the McDs playplace) of doing his business up in the privacy of the plastic tunnels. Had an older kid come down to tell me, "Your brother is really stinky." Umm, really, you think I'm young enough to be his brother! That's FABULOUS!" Almost made up for the smelly retrieval I had to do.
And that remembering post? That was lovely! The whole reason I started blogging was so that I could somehow remember and capture the moments I never want to lose. Loved it!

Karen Mello Burton said...

I love your notes to Gma! And I need to get over today to read your post. A little humor does the heart good!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Let the world know Heather and how wonderful she is!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I love seeing you get all this muchly deserved recognition - you rock!

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Great stuff, Heather! You totally rock the party. :)

jmt said...

I love how you give your relatives instructions on how to maneuver this internet/blog world. That's so sweet. :)

Ronda's Rants said...

Yeah...I am off to check it out! Good for you!

Elisa said...

You are awesome! I can't believe I actually blog with someone who is SOO famous! :>

Congrats! I love the note to your G-ma!

wendy said...

That was a good story (I read it) How cool is that, you got an article printed in a magazine. Totally cool!!!!!

Mammatalk said...

Can't wait to read your post on 5 Minutes. Congrats on being featured.

And, I love your Grandma messages!

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