
From the Mouth of Miles

Thursday~ May 14, 2009

(that's a carrot and some dip on his noggin)


I'm tucking him in to bed (and sniffing his head, of course) and I say, "MMMM, you smell like outside." And he reciprocates with, "MMMMM, you smell like backside."


After much nagging about many things, he turns to me and says, "I'm just a guy who likes to do stuff! GOOD HEAVENS!"


Miles is currently more than obsessed with all things Superheroes and Star Wars. Because he's only three, I try to talk to him about how I don't think he's quite ready for the "rude talk" and violence in many of the movies and shows he begs to watch. He's pretty good at trying to convince me he's ready though:

"You know, Mom. God made Star Wars to fight evil. So it's nice."


He's running around playing and accidentally runs into me as he's flying through the kitchen. He bounces off me and says, "Whoops! I ran into your big booty!"

The other night, Miles was really stalling at bedtime. He tried every trick in the book and was so over-tired he finally resorted to totally losing it. Then he crashed and fell fast asleep. The next morning, he woke up and bounded out of bed saying, "I slept a really long time because I was so tired from all of that arguing last night!" Um...yeah. Me too.


"Remember that time we watched The Grinch? That was SO funny. I laughed my head totally off. I was really enjoying it." (Seriously...is he twelve? Or three?)


And then there's this guy. Asher may not say much, but he sure speaks volumes with his eyes. (And his screeches and screams and shouts of "NOOOO, Mommy! NOOOOO.")

For more pictures worth a thousand words, visit Jen at Cheaper Than Therapy.

55 clicked right here to comment:

Stephanie said...

Maybe it's just because I have boys, but the backside and booty ones cracked me up (no pun intended). Miles is really cranking it up a notch. :)

Keyona said...

And now I'm laughing my head "totally" off! Too funny!

LisAway said...

Okay, that is all hilarious. What a kid. I wish I could hang out with that kid.

Kristina P. said...

Miles is hilarious! How precocious is he!?!

Kate Coveny Hood said...

My favorite is "I slept a really long time because I was so tired from all of that arguing last night!" Having a four year old with delayed speech, I can't even IMAGINE this kind of thing. Hilarious!

Cynthia said...

Man, that kid is personality plus!

Jo said...

"You smell like backside"
He really knows how to tug on those heartstrings.

Mammatalk said...

I am glad I am not the only one who smells like a backside...or acts like one!

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Fun stuff. But how unfair is it for you moms with young cute kids to post those comments when all the moms of teenagers only hear "Idunno." "Grunt." Shoulder shrug. Oh well. I guess we had our day in the sun.

Randi said...

My 17 year old tries to use that Star Wars line on me, too.

Don't fall for it!

(cute boy!!)

Debbie said...

Some days I am glad I don't have a three year old daughter because this one of yours? He's gonna be a real sweet talker!

Angie said...

I needed this laugh today. :) He is hysterical!

If your Miles and my Micah ever got together... ooooh, boy.

Sabrina said...

Love those boys!

jen@odbt said...

That picture cracks me up! Why do kids do the things they do? It does provide for some comic relief. It's so nice to have the blog to remember all these funny moments.

BaronessBlack said...

So sweet!
Phoebe said to me yesterday, 'Mummy, you're kind of like a servant, aren't you?'
'Nuff said!

Lara Neves said...

These are some of my favorite posts of yours. He is a smarty pants...GOOD HEAVENS!

Sheryl said...

oh, how i love miles! that is some good material there, can't wait to see what he comes up with when he's a teen!

MommaD said...

I love the things that come out of their mouths...they never cease to startle me!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

He is way too young to be that clever, isn't he?!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

He is way too young to be that clever, isn't he?!

Anonymous said...

My favorite is "GOOD HEAVENS!" I totally laughed my head all the way off with that one!

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

"you smell like backside"

Holy heck, that made me laugh entirely too hard, my stomach hurts. Wow, he's such a character. Gotta get him and my dude together and record the magic

Jen said...

I have a little one just like Miles here. He keeps me in stitches too. I love the "ran into your big booty." LOL! funny.

Jo said...

What a crack up!! Seriously, he's gotta be 12. How can this comedic genious be only 3??
And I'm kindof marveling at how he managed to get that carrot to stay. That kid's got skillz.

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! That was hilarious! I am still laughing! That boy has some seriously amazing reasoning skills for a 3-year-old. Hold on for the ride!

Erin said...

I'm pretty sure God did make Star Wars to fight evil. He's much smarter than a three year old.

Rach@In His Hands said...

I need some humor like that in my life.....thanks for sharing! :-)

The Mom Jen said...

OMG, you smell like backside...LOL!!!!!!!!!

Suburban Hooker said...

OMG, you're growing a comedian!! Mr Personality. I love his jokes, he's wise beyond his years!!

Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

Three year olds sure do have a way of saying whats on their mind.

CC said...

There's a lot of bottom talk in your home isn't there? I guess that's life with 2 boys! ;)

Growin' With It said...

i sure adore your cute boys and their mom w/ the "big" booty!!!

Radioactive Tori said...

Your boys are so adorable. I love it! Kids certainly make the world more fun, don't they?

Deb said...

oh girl... you are going to have your hands full with mr. miles. some of that sounds awfully familiar!

they are both so cute.

it's great we have blogs nowadays where we can document all this cute stuff. way back in the day, we just had those baby books. mine are basically empty in a box in the attic. my poor kids.

Carrie said...

Cute sayings! My 17 month old doesn't say 'no' yet, which I'm SO thankful for!!! But he's my first, so that probably helps. He will say 'no no no' if he's doing something he shouldn't, or if I say 'no no' to him, but he never responds with 'no'. YET! :)

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmmm..........I love me some Asher! :)~

P.S. who is this Carrie person who posted above me??? Kudos to her for the correct name spelling of our perfect 70's name. Bonus friend points if her middle name is Lynn!! :p

P.P.S. we miss you guys...already... from waaayyyyy over here in P-town. ;)

aka Carrie Lynn

Karen Mello Burton said...

That Miles just cracks me up! My husband is sitting at the dining room table next to me wondering what's so funny.

Anonymous said...

I have been saving this one in my Reader all day as a "before bed snack." I'm glad I saved it--Miles just never disappoints!

tiarastantrums said...

aww - children - they do make our hearts sing don't they!

Anonymous said...

To funny!

nikkicrumpet said...

HAH...at first I though...wow he is so confident to have his picture taken when he has such a HUGE zit. I'm so relieved to know it's only a carrot and dip! And GOOD HEAVENS is there anything funnier that a really sharp little kid!

sara said...

LOL....those were so funny!! And I am so glad that they are posted here so you will not forget them!!! You will REALLY laugh about it when he is a teenager and you go over them again!! My kids love that.

a Tonggu Momma said...

Miles-isms are my absolute favorite.

Dedee said...

I love boys. They say it like it is, whether you like it or not.

charrette said...

Miles is hilarious. And too smart for his own good.

Maybe the carrot on the forehead gives him extra brainfood! I should try that....

JCK said...

Loved the story of Miles collapsing on the floor and saying the next day that he slept well after all that arguing! LOL

I'm not letting my boy watch Star Wars yet either, and he's 5 1/2. He was bugging me to see it and his friend saw it at 3 and knows "everything" about Star Wars. So, I got him the Star Wars encyclopedia from the library. He saw every page. When we got to the scary characters he really took it in and hasn't asked to see the movie since. I think now he knows what I meant by the movie being a movie for older kids. :)

happygeek said...

But of course there is dip and carrot on his head. Where else would it go?

Melanie Jacobson said...

Miles looks like he should be the spokescharacter for organic vegetables. You know, like he could be Miles the Magic Veggie Unicorn.

wendy said...

Those are terrific----You smell like backside ----so dang funny. Make sure you log all these fun things your kids do and say as you'll have fun sharring it with them when they are older ----even blackmailing them with it when necessary ---just saying.

Susannah said...

hi :) thanks for your comment on my lil bloggy blog. i always need more criers around.

love that asher says it all with his eyes (and screeches)- i know all about that one!

love your blog. :)

jmt said...

What wonderful quotes. I really need to figure out a way to track the things my boys say, as well. :) And the big booty comment is something I was thinking of the other day....do kids really know the difference between small and large adults? I don't think so.

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

LOVE THESE!! :) He certainly does seem a bit mature for 3 my dear... :) What fun you are in the midst of and what fun you have ahead of you!

heidi said...

Oh my word, I am totally enamored with Miles now. What a funny guy!

Mrs4444 said...

Preschoolers are my favorite. The stuff that comes out of their mouthes...Sooooo precious.

H-Mama said...

this cracked me up! so funny!

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