

Tuesday~May 12, 2009

We sat on the side of the hill in the grass and the sun.

I thought,
This is all I want to do right now.
This is the only place I'd like to be.

We talked about family and faith and life.
We shared a burden or two,
A laugh and then a cry.

It's different now, you said.
We email, we text, we tweet, we facebook, we blog.

It's true.
We don't sit on the side of a hill in the grass and the sun.
Or not enough anyway.
Not enough.

We've got just one more thing,
Always another task.
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I miss the time when we took the time,
To sit on the side of the hill in the grass and the sun.
More often.

I want to see faces.
I want to hear voices.
More often.
At my table
or in my car,
Around a campfire,
or on the side of a hill in the grass and the sun.

I want you to know my laugh, it's a crazy one.
I want to see your smile.
I want to watch the color of your eyes
change from fine to sad
or tired to joyful.
I want to sit on the side of a hill, my friends.
More often.

(all photos courtesy of flickr)

43 clicked right here to comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd love to sit on a hill with you too. Let's do it sometime.

Kristina P. said...

I love this, Heather. I love my girlfriends so much.

Elisa said...

This was beautiful!

When can I sit on a hill with you?

Jillene said...

This was AMAZING and I am with MB--when do we get to sit on a hill with you?

Lara Neves said...

Wonderful. It is so true! I feel like I need to just turn off the computer for a week and remember what it was like not to have it around.

Ash said...

Oh how I adore this. And you.

Sheryl said...

love, love, love this!!

someday i am going to sit on the side of that hill with you. while i wait for that day, i am going to make time to do that with those in my life right now.

Jo said...

Yes!! I really do want to hear that crazy laugh of yours someday IRL.

Karen Mello Burton said...

So true! Nice post. I may tweet about it. LOL

Kelly @ Love Well said...


IRL, indeed.

Anonymous said...

Hell yes Heather. I just spent a few moments reading your last three posts and all I can say is hell yes. I've been away from my blog more recently and I like it. I like it that way. I like you too though and some other cool chicks I have "met" along they way but yeah, what's life without a hillside and some sun on our faces? Is it real when I think of you I can only see your blog design in my brain? I know it IS real in a way. But the other kind of real is where I need to be more often.....that is for damn sure. My soul needs it.

You rule. And I wish we lived closer so we actually hang. :-)

Anonymous said...

Simply gorgeous, as only you can do.

Heidi said...

It's like a long lost era, isn't it?

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

So poignant. So true. So heart touching to the girl hiding behind her keyboard instead of calling that friend or the other . . .

Anonymous said...

What are you waiting for, girl? Come on over!! Though I think next time should be sans kiddos, because honestly, I hardly got to talk to you at all.

wendy said...

OH, I loved that post so much. Where is the "personal" touch we are all craving. The little moments that can only be felt by experiencing things together!!

Deb said...

i get this... and it's beautiful. BUT, i don't really have anyone to sit on the side of a hill with. it's been a very long time since i have talked about anything of real substance. kind of depressing, i guess.

Jen said...

that is beautiful. you just said everything that I was thinking.

Megan@SortaCrunchy said...

so lovely, so true.

I had a great, wonderful, amazing friend in Texas and we totally would sit somewhere in nature and just talk and talk and talk. I miss her. I miss that. All of these connections? Great for so many things. I haven't connected with anyone IRL here in OK who would want to sit on a hill and talk with me. not yet anyway.

This was gorgeous.

Mrs4444 said...

That photo reminds me of my friend Molly and me and some of our hiking trips (we're overdue for one!) This is why I am so looking forward to BlogHer and meeting some of my blogging friends IRL! :)

Mama-Face said...

I heard on the Today show this morning that friends are good for your heart. For reals. I'm pretty sure they meant the kind you see face to face.

But, I hope blog friends count a little bit too.

You make me happy; that has to count for something.

carrhop said...

Just beautiful~


Blessed said...

I'm ready for a hill and a friend and some sunshine too... of course first I have to get a friend that likes that kind of thing close enough that we can go do it. All of my good IRL friends moved away over the past few years. Now we do all our talking via cell phone - it just isn't the same!

jen@odbt said...

That was beautiful. I'm inspired to find a friend to sit and chat with now. No email, no cell - just face to face time. Thanks.

That Girl said...

*pats green grass*

come on over!

Kim said...

This is beautiful Heather.

tracey.becker1@gmail.com said...

I love sitting on hills. And park benches. And the computer, too. My time here with you isn't any less important to me than my time spent face to face. It's just different...

3 Bay B Chicks said...

I have a friend that I think you should meet. She and I have known each for years...actually met during our undergrad at college, when our not-yet husbands were rooming together.

Her writing reminds me of yours. It is lovely, poetic, and often makes me tear up.

Her name is Susannah: http://goodbuthard.blogspot.com/.



Ronda's Rants said...

This is wonderfully written and IF I could write I wouldn't have put these feelings down on paper/blog...
things have changed!

Angela & Albert Fontenot said...

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Heather of the EO said...


It's true, my time on the computer with friends is important. I love it, or I wouldn't do it so much :) My post wasn't meant to take away from that or to say it isn't important. It was inspired by a day with one of my closest friends, one I don't see as much anymore largely because we figure we've connected after texting and facebook. We talked about the difference in face to face communication, and how sometimes we simply miss doing it more often.

I tell her how rich my blogging relationships are too, though. This post just wasn't about that. I hope I didn't come across as taking away from that. Wasn't my intention at all. I love all you bloggy people too much to mean that :)

Angie said...

Beautiful... absolutely beautiful. Now I'm closing my laptop to sit on some grass and watch my kiddos enjoy this gorgeous day. :)

charrette said...

Perfect. And beautifully, simply stated.

I have a handful of friends i'd love to sit on the side of a grassy hill with right now. And one of them is you.

charrette said...

Perfect. And beautifully, simply stated.

I have a handful of friends i'd love to sit on the side of a grassy hill with right now. And one of them is you.

Debbie said...

Me too! I hope to do some sitting this summer. And I sure do wish I could sit on a hillside with you:)

Aquaspce said...

Yep. What else can I say?

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

This seriously made me cry.

Mommy Mo said...

I want to know your laugh as I have a pretty crazy (and LOUD) one too.

Bonnie said...

Oh that sounds soooo good. Made me want to reconnect with old friends I don't get to see very often.

Dedee said...

Can I come visit. You called out the longing that I have all the time. More people, and more hills!

jubilee said...

Sigh . . . Let it be.

jmt said...

Yes, sitting outside. Instead of in at this computer. Hmmm, leaving this comment seems totally contradictory, then, doesn't it? :)

Jessica Stock said...

ahhhh . . . me too. sigh. (beautiful post by the way)

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