

Monday~May 25, 2009

Isn't the beginning of SUMMER great? Most of us think so anyway. Back when I was a social worker, I learned that most suicides occur in the Spring and early Summer. Experts assume this is because of the inevitable comparisons hurting people make. They'd watch everyone else bloom, all happy and excited, and feel even worse over their own despair. And yes, the clients that did commit suicide back in the days that I worked, did so in the Spring or Summer.

Not the most uplifting thing you've ever heard, huh?

Well, I wrote something in response to those thoughts over on the Highway blog today. It has a more positive perspective, I hope, about how our love for each other really does make all the difference.

See you there. If you want.

(Grandma, you can put your arrow on the "See you there" and then click to get there)

And if you're totally not into waxing philosophical on faith and pain, then you can read my HILARIOUS post at 5 Minutes for Parenting. HILARIOUS, I tell ya :)

Happy Memorial Day!

19 clicked right here to comment:

Elisa said...

My goodness! You are everywhere, aren't you?? Love it!

Kim said...

Look at you Miss Social Butterfly ;) Off to check you out on your other sites.

Kristen@nosmallthing said...

I always thought it was Christmas that the suicide rate went up...

So very sad.

Off to check you out on the other site!

Sabrina said...

I would think it would've been winter... I mean what an awful time of year.
But that makes a lot of sense when you explained why spring\summer is the highest.

Heather of the EO said...

Kristen - Christmas is high too, I think. Same reason. And I think we hear about it more when it happens then.

Annette Lyon said...

Going over right now . . .

Ash said...

I never would have thought that, but sadly, it makes sense.

Off to check you out...

Mary @ Parenthood said...

Your post about the duck was really moving. Loved it!

On a random unrelated note, do you know anything about how to disinfect toys? I'm looking for suggestions.

Joanne@ Blessed... said...

I so LOVED your Highway blog my friend!

You never cease to amaze me!!!

jmt said...

:) I'll head over there shortly. Happy Memorial Day!

Muthering Heights said...

Huh...I wonder how the numbers would compare to the holiday season? I've heard that it was also a time during which many are committed...

Debbie said...

Get around, get around, Heather gets around!
I'm excited for you. But how in the world are you doing so many different things?

Debbie said...

I can't get the 5 minutes link to work.

Becky said...

You ARE everywhere! I admit, I'm a wee bit jealous. But too lazy to put in the man, er, woman hours to make myself as famous as you. So I'll just bask in your glory, okay?

tiarastantrums said...

this is too weird - I was just saying something along this line to my brother who was down in the dumps b/c Of his crazy ex-girlfriend!

Karen Mello Burton said...

I know someone going through a deep smog right now. It is a beautiful blue-sky day and it makes no difference. So sad. You would have been an awesome social worker!

Cynthia said...

I'm not at all surprised to hear that. My Grandpa committed suicide in the Spring. Sad for everyone. That's another 'little known fact', the elderly have a pretty high rate of suicide, second only to teens.

3 Bay B Chicks said...


OK, I'm done now. About to head over to the highway...

because you told me to.


Mike said...


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