
This much cuteness could make you pass right out

Saturday~May 23, 2009

Warning: This post contains the cutest pictures you've ever seen in your whole life ever. If you don't think so, you can't tell me. Because these are my friends, their kids, and my "photography." Now that I'm 34, I'm going to add "Photographer" to the list of things that I am. You know: wife, mom, sister, cousin, daughter, grand-daughter, niece, friend, runner, vegetarian, actor, author blogger, comedian, and photographer.

Now here are about a zillion photos from my very special surprise birthday party last night. As you will see, I spent the whole night taking pictures, and I absolutely loved it...


Meet Ellorie. You can't have her.
She's mine Mackenzie and Caleb's.


And Landen. It's entirely possible that this little pose
is truly the cutest thing you've ever seen.


You've been wondering why there aren't more photos of
Ryan on my blog, haven't you?
Well, maybe this is why...he's totally insane...

...and likes to chase small people.
(the actual truth is that he's the most fun ever)


Speaking of small people-Miles and his girl Olivia
are the best of friends. Mackenzie and I have their wedding
all planned already. They won't mind...

or maybe they'll run away and then
POP OUT, acting like the
small unmarried lovely little people that they are.

But we can still dream of their wedding if we want to,
cause we're the MOMS.


Oh, she's back! I can't even stand the beauty!

Neither could Owen. No, really he could. He just prefers
acting like a rock star every time he sees a camera, and it's


Seriously. This will be perfect for the wedding video.
A picture of the days when Olivia would wish
to marry Miles over every flower.


This is Trish and Landen. Now, I understand that Landen is very cute,
but isn't his Mommy way cute too? (It's true, Trish! No eye rolling.)

Oh, and speaking of cute Moms, this is my Kate and
her going-to-be-a-model daughter, Ella.

See? What did I tell you? The loveliness makes
my heart want to explode. And it's inside and out, too!
She's simply amazing, that Ella.


And this "big" boy here with Miles and Owen is Caleb.
He would be looking at the camera, but he spotted a spider.
Then all three dove to the ground to study the creepy crawlie.

I'm especially fond of this boy.
Did you really think I'd leave Asher out?
He spent a very long time having a love affair with watermelon.
We had to stop him from eating the seeds and the rind.

But he doesn't love watermelon more than he loves Ellorie.
At least that's what Mackenzie and I think. Yes, you guessed it.
They're getting married too!


The End

35 clicked right here to comment:

Stephanie Wetzel said...

GREAT pics. I think you should definitely add "photographer" to your resume.

Of course I consider my pic great if it contains the subject I intended to have in it. In-focus is icing on the cake. ;)

(I think my youngest is gonna marry her best boy friend. She thinks she's gonna marry her boy cousin.)

Kristina P. said...

You did a great job! And you know lots of beautiful people.

jubilee said...

You really can pack in lots of cuteness in a blog post!

Jami said...

Love the photography and the excellent use of strikeout. I'm a lousy photographer or I'd show you all the Cutie McCuties here too! ;)

Jami said...

Also if you are serious about the marriages at some point you must forbid them and build a wall. It works Fantastikly!

Heidi said...

The beauty is making my heart hurt! The commentary was brilliant. Ellorie is beyond words. That little half smile on Miles' face in that last pic of him . . . oh my!

sara said...

love all these pics!! the one of them hiding behind the trees is soooo cute!!!

fun! fun!

Aquaspce said...

I think your story was just as cute as those pics :)

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Oh how lovely! I don't usually enjoy looking at photos of people I don't know but those were fabulous! What beautiful, happy looking people you have in your life!

Carrie said...

Aw, that was really cute! My 17 month old loves watermelon, too, and almost eats the rind if we don't stop him. :)

Also, I caught him kissing his little girlfriend in the nursery - me and her mom really need to get together on wedding plans, too. :)

Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

You can't go wrong with a post filled with adorable kids. I don't even know them and I want to squeeze them silly.

Ash said...

So wonderful!!

But my favorite, hands down, is Miles' expression in the "spider" shot.


Happy long weekend - E

H-Mama said...

i loved all of these pix! simply adorable... of course, it's all the photographer, i'm sure. ;) i love that you've already arranged the wedding. cute.

Anonymous said...

Thank God we had some smelling salts around the house because I was just brought back to consciousness after passing out.

Wow....cute is right!!!

Looks like you had an awesome birthday!!

Hooray for you!


Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

Oh my goodness, they're all beautiful. Marrying off the boys already, huh?? :)

I love the pictures honey!

Debbie said...

I won't argue with you. Those are the cutest photos ever!

Karen Mello Burton said...

What a great picture story! I have always imagined my boys marrying someone already know. We have a few beautiful 10-11 yr-olds in our congregation that I would love to see my boys date in 10 years!

a Tonggu Momma said...

Okay... so... the cuteness is extraordinary. HOWEVER - I seem to recall you already committing someone to walking down the aisle with my Tongginator. What? You want him to be a bigamist?

Stephanie said...

Yep, it's official. You can add photographer to your resume. And I'm all for arranged marriages. Parents always know best. :)

Deb said...

okay, i have to agree with the peeps that said you should add photographer to your resume. i am being TOTALLY serious. the subjects, yes, are all totally adorable, but the shots are AMAZING. the peeking from behind the tree, especially. and olivia blowing the dandelion. and asher with the watermelon. and ella behind the branches. i mean, these look like something out of a catalog.

jmt said...

What adorable photos! You did a wonderful job capturing these kids. And the model girl? Definitely. She's gorgeous, and her eyes are very telling. I love when moms hook their kids up like this....except when a friend of mine thought that T.O. would be marrying her daughter. Um, NO. LOL Great pics, I hope your weekend is going as great!

Unknown said...

Beautiful children!!!! And I'm with you, I love and cherish little boys. There is something absolutely special and alluring about them!

Cynthia said...

Very cute! Looks like a fun day out for everyone.

wendy said...

That Ella really is a doll. great pictures ---I see why you are adding "photographer" to your list of talents.

Jen said...

Oh those were adorable! Great photos.

Anonymous said...

Those are BEAUTIFUL photos! WOW! Heather! Just another talent for which I shall admire you!

Kelly @ Love Well said...

Now THAT'S a birthday party.

Muthering Heights said...


Second, great photos!

Third, what a bunch of cuties!!!

Sit A Spell said...

Cute little ones! I love taking pictures; it's so fun.

Hope you had a happy birthday.

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

Yes, too cute. And I keep forgetting to tell you that I think you have one of the best profile pics ever!


Beck said...

Those are some almost impossibly idyllic pictures with almost impossibly gorgeous kids!

Jenni said...

Those are some seriously CUTE kiddos!

Kate Coveny Hood said...

I love the picture of the kids popping out from behind the trees.

All of them are so beautiful!

tiarastantrums said...

very cute kiddie shots

Radioactive Tori said...

Those are the best pictures. I love the little ones, I just want to nibble on their little cheeks! Adorable!

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