
I'll always want...

Sunday~June 28th, 2009

It doesn't matter how many years go by, I'll always want the same things for you....

I mean, we've only just now on this very day arrived at year four, but I'll always want to be sure you're getting enough sleep, enough to eat, and enough happiness. I look at you and I know that I'll always want those things, and these...

peace, strength, faith, and health.

All of the very same things I wanted on the day that you were born.

Yes. I'll always long to care for you, even when you don't need me so much, as you grow up and grow stronger.

You are a Superhero unto yourself, totally unaware of any weakness or doubt. You are imagination and freedom. You are undaunted.

Spiderman cake by Nanny

How do I keep a healthy dose of those beliefs alive in you?

Because it's true, that strength of a Superhero really does lie within you, you've told me yourself time and time again, but I have a tendency to muddy it up with a bit of fear and doubt. But you should keep those beliefs, the ones born of your imagination and glued tight to your heart.

Yes, those beliefs would bode well for you, aiming you high and shooting you long. You're a special kind of guy, Miles. You really could be anything you dream of being.

Please believe that. Please keep believing in that Superhero strength. Most of us let it go all too soon. And I'll go on wanting you to be getting enough rest, enough to eat, and mostly, I'll always want you to keep reveling in happiness.

Miles (R) with Cousin Max on his 4th birthday

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Julie said...

That brought a tear to my eye. Hope his birthday is super!

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

That cake is awesome. And so are your words.


Kristina P. said...

Love the cake! Happy birthday to Miles!

Muthering Heights said...

What a precious post!

Kate Coveny Hood said...

I wonder if that's one of the reasons that any alteration in our children's health or happiness is so devestating...because we have such definitive hope for them from day one.

And yes - that cake is very cool. Perfect for your little superhero!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Sweet post, sweeter mom, and sweetest boy. Happy birthday, Miles!

Kristen@nosmallthing said...

So true...we do let go of those "I can do anything" feelings too soon. Reality tempers us, I guess.

What a great post about a great little boy. And about a mother's love for him. You say it perfectly!

Happy birthday Miles!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful cake, beautiful boys, beautiful post--Beautiful You.

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

Beautiful beautiful desires for your precious little boy!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday little man! Awesome cake!

a Tonggu Momma said...

Happy birthday, Miles. And now I'm contemplating... do I want the Tongginator to lose her sense of princess or not? Because - as much as I profess to hate that - it's one of the best things about my little gal.

carrhop said...

Simply love this--beautiful. May we all nurture superhero belief in our kids-


Annette Lyon said...

So true. My oldest will soon be celebrating 14--still loves Spider-Man--and I still want the same things for him. And more.

Liz Mays said...

Happy Birthday, Miles! Let's hope that if we're laying that foundation, a piece of it will forever be there.

Debbie said...

Happy birthday to Miles! I can't wait to hear what gems he gives us in the coming year!

Kim said...

This was beautiful Heather. He is lucky to have you as his Mama.
Welcome to 4 little man!

Amanda said...

...and now we have Spiderman Birthday's in common... sheesh!

D said...

Very beautiful.

Happy Birthday!

Angie said...

Girl, you have to stop this! I am a total mess once again.

Amazing post. Amazing boy. I think that superhero boy sure has a superhero mom. :)

Jessica Stock said...

this is gorgeous.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Pure loveliness, Heather. I love being a witness to how you love your children. It inspires me.

Lisa said...

Happy #4, Miles. I bet four is going to be super fun!

(Nice job capturing the squirt gun episode!)

charrette said...

I think that helping kids remember (and not squash) what they already know is inside them is some of the most important work a mother can do.

Oh, yeah, and I'm all about reveling in happiness!

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