
Summer Lovin'

Thursday~June 25, 2009

We went to The Splash Pad the other day with friends.
My boys were in heaven, and so was I.
It's just the perfect summer place.


Shallow water. Check.

Huge water guns. Check.

Water. Water. Everywhere. Even Up. Check.
(notice anything about Miles' swim trunks? Just checking.)

Big bright water-spewing turtle. Check.

Yes, quite The Perfect Summer Place.

We got a little lost on the way there, thanks to Sean Connery.
(He's the voice of our GPS...he says, "You have reached your des.tin.a.tion...shaken, not stirred." Except it wasn't our destination, it was the one he made up, so I was mad at him. I just never would have guessed that I'd be mad at Sean Connery.)

Anyway...The other night, a friend let me know there's another Splash Pad really close to our house. I think I could even find it without getting lost. I'm so excited to frequent the place all summer. Yes, my friend was so kind to inform me of this. She was also really kind to hold my hand later that night when we (and a couple of other over-nurturing women) tried to nurse a baby raccoon back to health and were nearly attacked by poor baby Rocky's mother. We can run really fast when we have to, just so you know...



For more You Capture posts, please visit
I Should Be Folding Laundry.

For more pictures worth A Thousand Words, visit
Jen at Cheaper than Therapy.

52 clicked right here to comment:

Anonymous said...

Splash pads are a must for summer!!!

Stacy Uncorked said...

Looks like he had SUCH a great time! What a CUTIE! :)

Happy ATWT! :)

Kathleen said...

Love the expressions you captured! Looks like you all had a grand time!

Stefany said...

That looks like so much fun! I love the pics!

carrhop said...

Great minds--our GPS is Money Penny...

Looks like a great time--and I love the reverse swim trunks!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures. And I'm way jealous of the splash pad. The closest thing to my house is a water park that's ginormous and overcrowded. I don't even know if they have a shallow end. *sigh*

Kim said...

Oh my, I would have loved to be there when you were trying to save a little 'coon. That is just hilarious!

We go to the pool for swim lessons every day. I am not brave enough yet to go with the 3 kids by myself though. *shudder*

...sensible of shoe said...

Ooh, would you be so kind as to tell me where one might find these awesome Splash Pads?

Kristina P. said...

They opened up this new crazy mousetrap waterpark near us, and we are going next week!

Melanie Jacobson said...

Raccoons scare the crap out of me.

Mrs4444 said...

Past the splash pad days here, I'm afraid. Why didn't they have cool places like that when my kids were small?!

Terri said...

Fun summer captures.

Jessi said...

Really wonderful summery shots. Love the colors.

Annie said...

I love these places! Where were they when I was a kid???

Muthering Heights said...

That certainly looks like fun!

Liz Mays said...

It's been so miserably hot! That is definitely the best place to hang out.

Annette Lyon said...

This post is a reminder to self: Do more summer with the kids.

Unknown said...

we love water pads, they are perfectly fun and summery!

Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

I wish we had such a cool place close to our house!

Yelena R. said...

Oh, that looks like so much fun :)

Erin said...

What a fun place to play! And I love that you were attempting to help a baby raccoon.

Jillene said...

I want a Splash Pad by me. Well--we do have Raging Waters but there is more stuff for big kids there.

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

But IIIIII wanna go to the splash pad tooooooo (did you hear the whine? Just checkin')

Love the pictures. So jealous, I want one near us too!

Susan B. said...

So fun!! I don't think we've been to this one. Great pictures. I love the backwards swim suit...."pick your battles, right?" Love it!!
Susan B.

Growin' With It said...

hmm, what happened to the *photo of mommy in her bikini* CHECK? miss those kiddie pools. we've gone on to the big ones where i'm scared to enter the water! ☺

Keyona said...

Great pictures! They look like they had a blast!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Oh how I wish we had one of these in our town - what a blast that looks like!

Heather D said...

We need a splash pad here! And oh.my.goodness.with the backwards trunks. Priceless!

Christy said...

I've never heard of a splash pad before - I'm googling it right now!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Who got Miles dressed?

Great pictures of a great day!

Sweet Serendipity said...

Oh what fun! I want to go :D


Sara@iSass said...

Hey, can you hook a mother up! We need some Cheap fun too!

CraftGirlAlli said...

great pictures! I love that last one...the expression on his face is priceless!

Debbie said...

Oh honey. I love God's creatures but raccoons? Nasty, nasty animals.
Sean Connery - have you seen Saturday Night Live when they have the person doing him on Jeopardy? It's a scream!

Jen said...

what an awesome place! I want to go.

april said...

I want to go to The Splash Pad!! It looks like a lot of fun!! Great job!

Bonnie said...

summer fun, gotta love it!

Christy M. said...

My son is 5.5 and ALWAYS puts his clothes on backwards. Drives me nuts. Sometimes I just let him be.

Love you shots this week. Splash pads seem to be all the rage this year. My kids will have to settle for a yard full of stickers and a rusty water sprinkler. That's the breaks of living in the country!

So you seriously got chased by a racoon mama? Racoons can be mean little suckers.

happygeek said...

LOVE a good splash pad.

Lara Neves said...

Oh I gotta take my kids! Great pictures! And I loved the backwards swim trunks!

Roban said...

What a great place to play! We don't have Splash Pads in our area. It looks like the perfect place to be!


Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

I'm seriously jealous you have splash pads! We've never been to one!


charrette said...

Okay, I'm seriously loving that you got chased by that big angry Mama Raccoon!

Anonymous said...

LOVE the splash pad. It is so great when you have young kiddos! Great pictures!

Mommy Mo said...

We have a splash pad near our house. You come visit mine and I'll come visit yours : ).

Peanut said...

Wow! That looks like a really fun place to hang out. I wonder if our water park is as good as that? We will have to check it out. Great pics by the way :)

Julie said...

Your splash pad looks funner than ours! Can I come over?

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said...

Oh look slike so much fun!! I wish we had some of those here. I don't think we do, but I'll check to be sure.

The photos are great too! And a baby raccoon, aww, so glad you tried.

wendy said...

Sean Connery on your GPS ---AWESOME!! fun day in the water for the kids. Sorry I haven't been bloggin much. I AM MOVING. been very busy. but will have to blog about that later

Anonymous said...

fancy getting mad at sean! great pictures

Blessedw5mom said...

Love those splash pads and splash pools! At least there my little one does not eat mouthfulls of sand like she did at the beach yesterday. Ahhh ... summer!


annies home said...

love the smile looking great

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