
Notes from BlogHer '09

I find it more than humorous that while at a blogging conference, there is little to no internet service. SO, I have only a moment to highlight a few things before my connection will surely slip away.

My favorite thing about the BlogHer conference, by far, is the surreal experience of seeing the faces and hearing the voices of bloggers I've come to know and love but had yet to meet. I'm sharing a room with Kim of Prairie Mama (I would link, but I don't have time) and her sweet, edible ten month old Libby. Something I didn't know about Kim before? She's really really funny in real life. Her gestures and expressions give her humor that extra kick that you can't see on-line. She is absolutely lovely.

She also snores.

For two minutes.

For real.

It's like she has to get some grandpa snores out and then she's just done.

(I wish that were true for that husband of mine. If his snoring only lasted two minutes, we'd have absolutely NO difficulties in our marriage whatsoever. Cause that's the only one.)

Since I don't have much time (have I mentioned that there's little to no internet connection at this hotel?), I'll tell you something I'm mulling over after the sessions I've attended:

I could probably work my butt off doing all sorts of networking things, trying to raise my google ranking, or some such thing. But you know what? I already love blogging for blogging's sake. I love to write and I sincerely love the people I've gotten to know in this space. If that accidentally raises my ranking, I probably won't even notice. (I don't know how to check.)

Even the most famous of bloggers that I've met here are just regular people like you and I. It's refreshing to have met some that are still surprised and humbled to have such large followings. I'll write more about them soon. But for now...

You got it.

I gotta go before I'm disconnected.

Peace out.

33 clicked right here to comment:

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I'm so glad for you that you're getting to experience that warm glow of meeting bloggy friends in person. There's nothing quite like it! Anything else BlogHer offers seems like it would be peripheral compared to that.

Kristina P. said...

I really am jealous! It's like the biggest blogger meet and greet ever!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you for taking the time to update us! I miss you! Have so much fun!

Crooked Eyebrow said...

It was so nice to meet you at dinner last night! Have fun (even with a lack of internet service) in Chicago!

mrs boo radley said...

My bodacious husband has truncated snoring time each night from 11:29 to 11:31pm and it's the cutest thing ever.

Have fun at blogherama! Bring me back something cool.

Elisa said...

You are SO lucky! I cannot believe you are in my old stomping grounds!

(Make sure you visit the Pier and take a river boat tour! Eat at the top of the Hancock building-- the food AND view is better than the Sears Tower. Ed Debevics is riot; The water taxis are exhilarating and the burgers at Billy Goats are as awesome as SNL made them out to be!!)

We are all hanging on your every word from Blogher 09! Live it up!

The Rambler said...

Sounds like a great time.

One day I hope to check it out!!


Have Fun! Can't wait to hear all about it... you know... when you've got time and a solid internet connection, LOL!


Ash said...

Thanks for let us know how great it really is! I was a little worried it might be, um, odd. Does that make sense?

Have a wonderful time! For your next report would you mind confirming/denying the rumor that the swag is stellar?

Roban said...

Now I'll always worry about rooming with someone at a big fancy Blogher convention and being exposed as a snorer. That is, IF I snored ;-)

Have fun out there meetin' and greetin'!


jmt said...

I'm so happy you got a snoring roomie! LOL Seriously. It puts the "normal" spin on things. :) Keep having fun!

Jenners said...

So funny that a blogging convention has limited Internet access! How are all of your going to do your blogging?

I think it is neat that you are getting to experience this! You're braver than me!

Erin said...

What an exciting experience for you! I can't wait to hear more stories (when you get internet access, of course).

sara said...

how fun!! I wish I could be there with you, but I will just have to do it vicariously!!!!


Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

I am really looking forward to hearing your take on the weekends events. Hope your having fun!

Megan @ Hold it Up to the Light said...

I love that, and I'm with you. I have no clue how to do that stuff either.....

Except that I wish I were there instead of here.

Wait, right now, here is pretty great. Maybe next time :) Have fun!!!

H-Mama said...

I think it hilarious that you told on your snoring friend... ha! It all sounds like fun!

Anonymous said...

I'd been trying to figure out how to check Google rankings on a Wordpress blog--and after reading this I tracked it down and finally figured it out. :) It's not too hard but it's one thing to figure it out and another to tell you how (especially since you're not in Wordpress.) It didn't really tell me much that my blog stats in WP don't already tell me (namely, that a lot of people search for my son's paper crafts and my husband's solution for getting rid of post-anesthesia hiccups.)

Glad you're having fun! And that the snoring only last for 2 minutes.

Crock said...

Ooooo ---- is Perez Hilton there??
I. Love. Her! :)~

xo, crock

LunaMoonbeam said...

Glad you're having fun!

Question: WHAT DO YOU DO AT A BLOGHER CONFERENCE? My hubs won't consent to let me even THINK about going...until I can give him an answer OTHER than "meet Heather, Debbie and TongguMomma!"

Karen Mello Burton said...

Meeting people you have come to admire and like a whole lot? Sounds like a real girly kind of weekend! Thanks for the update.

JCK said...

So glad you got to go! How can there be no internet??

I had a wonderful time last year and am envisioning the same for you!

That Girl said...

I'd go just to meet YOU.

Love you, lady.

a Tonggu Momma said...

I'm glad you are having such a wonderful time! I read someone else the other day that mentioned the fact that everyone but HER has a pedicure there. So... tell the truth... are your toe nails painted and fancy and stuff?

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

I hope you're having a fabulous time, try to do it doubly so, for my sake, okay?

Miss you honey

Unknown said...

I am beyond excited for you! and a lil jealous...I would say have a great time but I know you will!

Anonymous said...

Man I wish I was there. I'd love to meet blogger face to face... Maybe next year.

Can't wait to read more about it!

Laura Marchant said...

The internet totally sucked this weekend. There was one chair in the lobby that I found by the window that could pick up a signal. Only spot in the whole darn hotel. So glad we met!

Laura Marchant said...

The internet totally sucked this weekend. There was one chair in the lobby that I found by the window that could pick up a signal. Only spot in the whole darn hotel. So glad we met!

Jamie said...

Looking forward to hearing more about your weekend and your thoughts on the conference.

ZDub said...

I LOVE this post and totally agree.

Is it OK if I just copy and paste this so I don't have to write my own?


I seriously am so glad we got to hang out, you are really awesome.

beazer1812@comcast.net said...

A blogger convention. how cool is that. That would be fun to meet all those people, and I'm glad your roomate only snores for 2 minutes.
I have missed reading your blog while I have been going through this transition period. It will probably be September before I can catch up with you again with the move, needing HIGH SPEED. crap. I will sure miss my blogger friends in the meantime.
take care.

wendy said...

Oh p.s. that comment above was Me---me me me

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