
Free writing with Miles

Friday~October 23, 2009

Below you will find a piece of writing penned by myself and my inspiring four year old, Miles. We took turns. I asked him to start the story and when he would pause, I would pick up from where he left off. Then he would pause and I would take a turn. Then he just ran with it all on his own, rattling off the story almost faster than I could type.

So I give you...

Spider Went Into Someone's Hand
(title by Miles)
(Kristen, aren't you glad I didn't say ear?)

(Miles begins the story)
"There was a spider and everybody came and the spider went out. And then the mom came in and then the kid came in."
(Then it was my turn...you get the idea.)
"The spider's name was Frank. He was hairy. He was black. He ran away when everybody came in because he was afraid of their feet stepping on him. So the mom and the kid were alone in the room, but they saw the spider leaving to go to..."
"He was going back to his area he actually lived, he was going into a restaurant."
"And there he found his incredibly large spider family."
(and then he hits a streak that cannot be stopped)
"With his web all maked because that's where he lived so he saw the planet so he went out there with his parents to do something because he was alone all the time... because he thought he would get stepped on. He was worried about his mom and dad getting stepped on. Because he got smooshed already and came
back alive but when he woke up he saw his parents were still smooshed so he came back to help them get alive and woke them up. So the God spider came and they could see him because he was actually real. So yes, the people's God came and he was not invisible and then he went back to his home to do the same thing he was doing. And all he did was what he did.

The End.

After we were done he said, "How 'bout we break down the title?"

I said, "Um...OK, what do you mean by that?"

"Say that it came from us just doing our own thing on our own blog."

You got it, kid.

You should have seen how he would beam with pride after his turn. He's a total rock star.

I highly encourage you to give this a try with a kiddo or two. I mean, if you feel like it.

I hope your weekend is good.

41 clicked right here to comment:

Kelly Sauer said...

absolutely priceless! The Gospel according to spiders...

Ginny (MAD21) said...

This is brilliant. I do this with my girls (5 and 3) all the time. I never thought about putting it on my blog.

Love the story. Thanks for the idea (but you can keep the spider).

Peter P said...

Awww. That's so cute!

The Hopeful Elephant said...

I may or may not have started crying about the point of "the mom and dad were squished" and I may have been sobbing by "God Spider!"

Ah, Bless...

Kristina P. said...

Love the idea. Love the story.

Anonymous said...

What a cute idea. I love the little bits about parent spiders and god spider. What a smart little guy you have. =]

Chief said...

the 8 year old will love this idea!


Anonymous said...

The kid clearly inherited his mom's creativity. :)

Corinne Cunningham said...

What a great idea! Story telling is such a wonderful thing to introduce early. And what an imagination that little guy has!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

We already knew he was a clever kid - how cool to have a record of it!

I can see this as a children's book in my mind, illustrations and all...

Stephanie said...

Sorry, Heather, looks like you've met your competition. "The Etraordinary Ordinary..." by Miles.

Blessed said...

It sounds to me like you are growing a story teller over there... oh the places he will go :)

Lara Neves said...

That is the best story ever.

Go Miles.

Angie said...

Positively darlin' as we say here in the south. :) That is awesome... I have so many stories in Asher's memory box, but Bear never really did this much. I may have to try again. You've inspired me--which is something you do just about...well...every day.

Carrie said...

LOVE it - that is totally sweet! Can't wait till Z is old enough to express himself that well! :)

Roban said...

I love that you're writing with Miles! He'll make an 8th-grade teacher proud one day!

charrette said...

Just amazing! And so much fun. And faith that's always there, wrapped around everything.

Look at all you give this kid every day! And now he's turning out just like you!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Don't you think it's so funny the way our kids always know we are going to be blogging? I love it!

Miles is a keeper!

Unknown said...

What an absolutely brilliant idea! I wish I would have thought of this when my kids were that age...maybe they would have liked composition more.

Heather Sunseri said...

That was awesome!!! What a cutie. I will be stealing that idea and making it my own.

Have a good weekend.

Jo said...

"And all he did was what he did." What a great closing line!
That Miles is wicked cute. Not to mention wicked smaht.

jineen said...

love this story! don't you enjoy so much seeing their creative side come out?
you were above me at sits, just thought i'd stop by, enjoy your weekend!

Stephanie Faris said...

What FUN! More parents should do this sort of thing with their children. We do the continuing story with my boyfriend's daughter in the car sometimes. It's my favorite game! I never thought to write it down, though.

Unknown said...

Awesome! Love the story! I have always done this with my boys, but we put it down on paper. I could never keep up!

Miles is adorable!

Emma said...

I do this with my 5 year old all the time, it's great

I love how creative they get with the story!!

Deb said...

it would appear that beautiful storytelling is genetic. what a fun idea, but i am afraid with teens, it might quickly turn inappropriate and raunchy!

i think miles needs his own blog.

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

Oh my - I can't stand the cuteness... It's too much. :) Love it. That picture shows how very charming he is.

Jen said...

by during SITS Saturday Sharefest and wanted to comment that I loved your story post!! Come visit me if you get a chance, I am subscribing to you :)

Liz Mays said...

I want my very own Miles!

Mama-Face said...

What a good mama you are...please remember that. What a wonderful way to spend time with your boy.

What is it is boys and spiders anyway? :)

LunaMoonbeam said...

"And all he did was what he did."

Amen, brother.

Cynthia said...

That's awesome! He'll be so ready for school when the time comes and in the meantime, you two can expand your imaginations together.

Amanda said...

WOW! That is an EXCELLENT idea!!! I am definitely going to try that!!


Haley said...

So sweet! And such a wonderful moment to record in your lives...I know he will cherish being able to read this account of story making later in life. :-)

Kristen@nosmallthing said...

Absolutely cute! I love that there was a God spider!

And hopefully he has forgotten all about that spider-in-the-ear thing. (shiver).

Kelly Miller said...

I'll be trying this with my 8 year old... and maybe my 2 year old. She normally has a lot to say. :)

happygeek said...

I used to try to do this with my kids, and then I would bang my head against the wall in utter frustration at pushing a delayed child to do something he really couldn't.
And then I just forgot about it. NOw you've inspired me to try again. I think he's ready now.

I LOVE his smile.

Dedee said...

Great story. And tell Miles thanks for the reminder that God is real.

Frugal Vicki said...

that is a cute idea! i will definitely have to try that! my little man has quite the vocabulary for a two year old.

Dave said...

do you find it hard to smoosh spiders now?

Unknown said...

How fun! That's one amazing spider and little boy!

I will have to try this out too...

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