
(picture) Storyland Yoga and also, what do you know about Montessori?

They rowed their boats...

They walked through the tall grass...

They...um...became crocodiles. (Apparently Asher thought that meant downward dog.)

and...I can't remember. Ride a bike? (or something)

I met the lovely Karen from Playful Planet last weekend and she was kind enough to give me a Storyland Yoga DVD for Miles and Asher. They tried it out with their lovely friend, Miss M yesterday and they loved it. And I love that they're getting exercise while engaging in story. Perfect Minnesota winter activity, no?

I just wanted to tell you that.
(Inevitable Disclaimer: I did receive the Storyland Yoga DVD free of charge, but I was not paid to write this post.)

Speaking of yoga, I have a question about Montessori....(okay, yes...I realize that was not a segway at all, but anyway...) Are any of you Montessori experts? I ask because there isn't one in our small city and I think it would be a really good (and needed) addition and I have a good friend who would be the perfect person to open one...so I want to know stuff about it. How does one start a Montessori? Do you know anyone who has done that? Do you have friends that have kiddos that go to one? Do your kids go to one? Are there resources for learning about this? What color should the building be? (that was a joke)

The thing is, it gives me butterflies in the best way to think of my friend doing this. My heart-gut is saying something and so I want to give her all the information I can. So I thought you were a really good and smart group of folks to ask. Thank you already.

Happy weekend, my friends.

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Speech of Silent said...

Hello mate great blog posst

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