The Acorn has started to do that thing where if I don't eat at least once every, oh...ten minutes or so...I want to throw up. Also. Color me exhausted. And hormonal. I even cried over a TV show I wasn't even feeling all that touched by...I just thought it was a good time for a good cry.
(No, I'm not complaining...just updating.)
(The Acorn could steal my sight and maybe even one of my legs and I'd still be happy to house he or she.)
(Sorry. That was gross.)
I have something else to tell you and I can't even stand it, it's such good news.
You may or may not know that the online magazine formerly known as BlogNosh is now Story Bleed Magazine. It has taken on a more organic, artsy, indie feel with amazing photography and continues with its goal of sharing the best writing on the web.
Another beautiful change is that Story Bleed Magazine is also IN PRINT. Like, you know, the kind of print that you can hold in your hands, pulling a little ink off the page while thumbing through the exquisite (truly) pages. The plan is for the print version of Story Bleed to be available quarterly (four times a year) and always available online, as per usual.

I met Story Bleed magazine in person at BlogHer after running into my pals Megan, Arianne and Sara Sophia. Megan was kind enough to share a copy with me right outside the vortex elevators at the BlogHer hotel. And I immediately fell in love with it. True love.
Then while at the Type A conference I watched a large table of blogging women as they were introduced (or re-introduced) to Story Bleed in person. Let's just say the table was a whole lot quieter as people poured over the pages, just taking it all in...
I say all of that as an introduction for you, because I know you'll love Story Bleed as much as I do, as one of its (honored and humbled) team of editors.
Yeah. I'm a Story Bleed editor. Of course it means the world to me that Megan would add me to such a talented team (ME?), but honestly, what I'm most excited about is not the title of editor, but the fact that this means I get to read through the lovely submissions that come our way, honoring each one with my time. I have a feeling it's going to be one of my favorite things to do.
Sidenote: I had a list right here of the entire Story Bleed team with what their roles are and links to their blogs and Twitter...but then my blog ate that list while I was editing this post and I have no time to replace it right now. Another time. I'll add it another time, dangit. blergh.
Lastly, the news story I mentioned in the past? The one about our family/motherhood/addiction/sobriety/social media/writing? It will air next Tuesday, Nov. 9th at 9pm on Fox 9 News. And since many of you aren't in viewing distance of that, if you'd still like to see it, I'm pretty sure it will be on the Fox 9 website after airing.
The End.
P.S. I got rid of the wonky comment system thingy. I'm sorry it gave so many of you trouble (thank you for letting me know). We're back to the old "talk to me, Goose" way. Phew.
20 clicked right here to comment:
I am practicing commenting the old way to see if it works.
I am not tech savvy.
Ooh, really quick-- We postponed the twitter chat until next week. Check your email.
Now I'll go back and read your post. ;)
Congratulations Heather. You will be a tremendous addition to their team.
And yes, my DVR is set.
Congratulations!! How wonderful for you (and all of us)!!
Oh my goodness. How did I totally miss your pregnancy announcement? Congratulations! Lots of wonderful news from you.
Dangit Megan....
I deleted that part. phew.
We are so happy and proud to have you. I've never been so satisfied by the process of refining down to one clean idea.
Looking forward to stretching out with ya'll and seeing what ground we can break with our toes.
I'm with Johanna -- totally missed the Acorn announcement! Congratulations -- what lovely, wonderful news!
I caught a glimpse of the new online Story Bleed -- it looks totally cool (I think I bopped over there from Elizabeth at Clarity-Chaos). Would love to submit something at some point -- I will have to keep it on my radar screen.
i totally missed the pregnancy announcement too! i usually have a radar for those kinds of posts! congrats to you and your family!
Awesome, Heather, all of it.
So many good things! Well, nausea, not so much...but then, it means good things too, so it's...good by association?
All kinds of happy for you, hun.
Phew! I am no longer banned from just stopping in to say hi! Love you! Love that Acorn too :-)
My little peanut makes me sick all the time. But I feel the same way! It's so worth it!
I can't wait to see you on the news!!!!!!!
How exciting :) (all of it!!!)
Oh those acorns that make us eat... wait. What's my excuse? I'm eating for three. Me, you and YOUR acorn. Nice.
I'm so excited for the new look/feel that is Story Bleed. And I'm glad your hand will be in that. (Consequentially, I tried to submit several things to the old Blog Nosh, but either they were in transition then, trying to find more editors as I recall, or my submissions just sucked, but I'll be submitting again! This magazine truly seems to be literary quality!)
Congrats! How exciting to be editor. You totally deserve it.
I've been away a while... Actually just grading papers and being a mom and wife, so I missed your acorn announcement. Congratulations! And so many other wonderful things happening in your life. You must have to pinch yourself just about every morning!
So perfect you are part of the Story Bleed team. I cherish my copy.
Okay, I seriously love this post! Love the Pooh style update-ish and your "color me exhausted" bit. I remember when I was pregnant with my little man I cried at a movie preview - what's up with that?!
HUGE congratulations on being part of such an amazing project. What an honor!!
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