It's known as the BGE. Or Best Gift Ever.
If you got one for your mother-in-law (or any generally hard to buy for person), you'd finally be able to sit back and relax, maybe even pat yourself on the back a little for your unique and useful gift-finding ways. No more gift cards or guesses at jewelry or clothes. Sound good? Okay then...
I give you,
the Moji Tension Release:

I'm telling you about the Moji Tension Release today because I have one and I use it, love it, and want everyone I know to have one. I would say this is the perfect gift for every pregnant lady with a sore and tight back from all that front carrying and that would be true, but that would also be a bit biased and exclusive. The truth is, the Moji Tension Release (or MTR) is not just for we gestating mothers. You know, since we all have muscle tension, the kind that makes us stiff and achy while we hunch over computers, lift kiddos, haul groceries and deal with everyday stressors.
How does it work, Heather?
Good question.
Easy peasy, friends. You pop your Moji in the microwave for 2 minutes and throw it on, choosing the option to have it fit around your neck or flipping it over to have its tension releasing powers more focused on your middle back. The Moji Tension Release is made with silica beads and creates the perfect amount of moist heat to ease tense muscles.
And it really works. I know because my back is a mess and wearing my Moji is a tension-easing warm hug indeed. (Take THAT ya freezing cold Minnesota winter!)
The kind friends at Moji are giving YOU, the lovely readers of the EO, a discount on the Best Gift Ever!
Just enter the code HOLIDAYHUGS at checkout and get 15% off. (This discount is available until 12/31/10)
Now go impress that hard to buy for person (or yourself). And hurry! Guaranteed holiday arrival is available on orders through December 19th! That's Sunday!
Lastly, a confession: I can often be found midway through the night snug in my bed with my MTR still on my body while many hours have passed. That's because I'm pregnant and with pregnancy comes narcolepsy. Combine narcolepsy with the relieving of muscle tension and...zzzzzzzzzzzzzz....
(Disclaimer: I was not paid to write/publish this post. I've partnered with Moji in the past and have a great appreciation for their mission and their products. I took the time to share this because my Moji Tension Release is truly one of my favorite things.)
COMMENTS ARE CLOSED (you know, so you can go get yourself a Moji)