Then I saw something that made me have to run for the camera. (Pregnant lady running!) Because strangely enough, in a light bulb moment, Miles had suddenly realized that if he moved the play book stand on the piano, he could stand up, push the keys and watch them move on the inside of the piano...

And yes, the picture on the wall is all kiddywampus, and so is the lamp.
most things in life are kiddywampus, no?
We need to start piano lessons, actually. Miles is really interested and when he makes up songs he calls them happy or sad or angry and he makes them sound exactly that way. And we didn't name him M*les K*ng for nothing. I mean, what a perfect musician's name, if I do say so myself.

I love how it pushes his cheeks out.
The End.
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Oh those little men. *happy sigh*
I want to tickle that little duck's feet. Not gonna lie about that.
Adorable! Reminds me of when my kids were little ... makes me feel mushy!!
Well then lessons are a must, I tell you. ;) There is nothing like the sound of your little one playing the piano... unless it's the priceless look of your little's cheeks in costume. Priceless, indeed!
Your kids make me smile. :)
Love it! All three of my boys are taking piano lessons now. I love hearing them play.
They are so stinking cute :)
Love this. And Toddler? Obsessed with her Halloween costumes. When I shut down and head home for the evening, there will either be a dinosaur or a fire fighter waiting to welcome me with an exquisite hug :)
Your kids are just the kind of kids that need a mom who follows them around with a camera. Isn't it nice how that worked out? :)
I don't think a blog post is big enough to contain that much sweetness. Love.
Fantastic. I so want Six to take piano. He has no interest.
That picture of him "playing" piano is completely adorable and definitely kiddywampus.
Just had to pop over and say I'm still reading....always will be...
Your kids are just so damned adorable. Sorry for the somewhat shallow comment, but that's just the first thing I thought after reading/viewing this gem of a post.
When my son wa about 4 (if there had been blogging back then I would know exactly how old he was because I surely would have blogged about this moment) he and I were in the car listening to public radio waiting for my daughter to finish soccer practice. "The violin is crying," he said. I pretty much drove him straight to MacPhail Center fro Music from there. He's grown into one of the most musical kids I know. The music is in him. It looks like it's in Miles, too. That is a great shot...crooked picture and all.
Oh my heart! THOSE CHILDREN! Good lord lady you make 'em cute! Glad there is another one on the way.
Gah they're cute. Great job running to get the camera, pregnant and all!! :D
I love it when I open my piano up to clean it and my kids all rush up to look in and press the keys and be fascinated by the inner workings of the piano. Such a beautifully simple instrument!
And the Halloween costume picture is awesome. My 4 year old is still wearing his from a year ago because he loves being a doggy!
I just always cheer up considerable when I read about your boys.
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