It was good.
Asher's MRI looked really good, which (of course) is VERY good news. The issue is most likely that his shunt is working too well. It's tricky to explain but brain valves like Asher's can have high pressure or low pressure. He seems to be having some low pressure issues. So the spinal fluid is draining out too fast, basically, which makes his head hurt and gives him a belly ache (since the fluid drains through tubing to his tummy).
So. There was a change made to what number his shunt is set on (they can do this from the outside, magnetically) (wow). Now we wait to see if he feels better within a week or so. If not, we'll go back to try something else, but we're hoping this will be all he needed.
Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers. We really do feel them and need them. Thank you.
Now it's time to pretend I'm not an overly exhausted pregnant lady and get something DONE. The papers are piling, the dust bunnies climbing, the inbox is over-flowing and the cupboards are...NOT over-flowing.
You guys are the best...
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Yay! My fingers are crossed that it's fixed!
Now get some rest...which should be totally easy. ;0)
Heather, I'm just so glad to hear this news. :)
I guess b/c I get your posts in my email, I didn't get yesterday's until today. I'm praying that Asher does great with his number adjustment & that all is well from here on out. And that you feel incredibly rested & energetic, despite the precious little leachy acorn that is sucking the energy right out of you! (How I miss those days!)
Yay, Asher! Here's hoping it works for him. And there's no use pretending-- just embrace the tired, pregnant you and take a nap and order take out. :)
Modern medicine is a stinking miracle - a magnet?
Hope his tummy and noggin feel right as rain very soon.
Wonderful! Best case scenario!
so glad to hear all went well!!!! Get some rest now lady!
Awesome. I've been thinking of you guys and wanting the update. Please send/post a prego pic soon....I'm dying to see you. :-)
YAY! Good news!
Hang in there Mama! You're doing a great job.
So glad that you got good news - and hoping that he feels better!
Mama-worry is exhausting, yes? Put your feet up, Mama. The dust bunnies will still be there when you're done restin'. ;) So glad to hear the good news!
Whew... such good news. I was always fascinated to watch them do their thing with the magnet when K would need pressure adjustments. It's like "voila - changed the brain valve pressure" - crazy. :)
get some rest lady!
Now that's something to celebrate a quick fix without any internal messin' around. I hope he starts feeling better from the change quickly.
So happy to hear this, Heather. I hope that takes care of it!
A magnetically-controlled shunt? Amazing.
I'm so glad to hear this good news. I hope you and Asher both rest more soundly tonight (from one sleepy pregnant mama to another).
Wonderful News!!! So happy for you and your family!
Oh so good to hear this!
Wonderful. Thank goodness.
Its gonna sound stupid but I'd give anything to tie a bandana on my head and come be your maid for a week or something.
Because you do so much and help so many and gah. You are awesome Heather.
Just thought I'd tell you and squee a bit that your wee one is home safe and doing well.
So glad that everything is checking out o.k. with the shunt. We had a scare similar to that almost two years ago. I think we've come to the conclusion that A gets migraines that are related to allergies and fever. But the symptoms are the same, so it's still scary. Asher must have a different kind of shunt - we don't have the magnet abilities. We've had this one for almost 6 years (next week). We'll continue to pray for you. Take some time and rest. Your little ones need you.
Phew! So glad to hear that the fix is (we hope!) something so simple. Hope he feels better real soon.
(I want to hear his giggle sometime!)
So glad to hear it went well. My SIL has a brain-fluid-leaking-thing, too, and I know how terrible it makes her feel. Hoping and praying the magnetic jobber does the trick.
Oh Heather, I hope little Asher is back to feeling good and playing hard in no time flat. Hugs!
It's times like this that I wish I could show up at my bloggy friends' doors and deliver some groceries after a long, hard day.
Asher (and you) have so much on your shoulders. It's unfair, and I know that's how life is, but still. It's UNFAIR.
I prayed for Asher when I saw your first post. So glad for "very good news." Thank you, Jesus.
It's so amazing what they can do these days. Medicine is miraculous. Wouldn't surprise me if in a couple years there will be an app for that. Magnets will be old school!
No go rest. Breathe. Love.
Yah! So glad things are looking good. Be well. Take care of yourself pregnant lady. :)
Oh, I'm so glad all is well!
So thankful for the good news!
Great to read this post! Yay you. And I love the header... As does my 9 year old son.
I hope that all is well with Asher - I have a friend whose son has a shunt so I am learning all about these "tweaks" it's amazing what they can do. I hope he's feeling better today. Now, go put your feet up and order groceries online. And a pizza for dinner while you're at it. xo.
Oh, I hope it takes care of it now! You've got a lot on your plate: Don't Overdo it!
Sweet, sweet relief...
Ah, that little over-achiever of yours... ;) Glad to hear things are good. Hope he feels better.
So releaved that it was a simple fix. Here's hoping that his headaches clear up quickly so you can concentrate on growing that baby and raising your amazing boy.
So very very glad!! I will keep my fingers crossed that one adjustment does the trick!!
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