
ya gotta do what'cha gotta do

He didn't want to go outside when Miles asked. He wanted nothing to do with it, actually.

Until he remembered what happens when they come in from outside.
His thoughts were something like this...Oh yeah...the warm-up cocoa...

which brought on

{as he's running away he's saying, and then I really want hot cocoa}

{and that little blip of me at the end is from an old video I posted and am now trying to record over. Please forgive}

{and just pretend my storage space office is super clean and orderly}

So. We put on pants and then socks and then snow pants and then a coat and then he added a scarf (of mine) and then a hat (of Daddy's) and then two mismatched mittens and then boots and then he went out for no longer than 5 minutes and then he was back at the sliding glass door shouting for cocoa.

And I quote, "I want cocoooaaaa, it's sooo coooold." (Repeat x 5)

The End.

P.S. All credit for that rockin' cool new blog header up there goes to my friend Sarah, who saved me from trying to do things I don't know how to do by doing them for me because she knows how to do them. And another thank you to the lovely Ann Imig, who came up with a tag line that I love. My heart. My gut. My boys. Indeed. And finally, a photo credit is due--Miles (yes, my very own 5 year old), my photog, snapped this Lego man photo on his very own. He's a genius.

24 clicked right here to comment:

Shaina said...

What a cute little munchkin!

Jamie said...

absolutely adorable. I love his sweet voice. And I also love your new tag line: IT'S PERFECT!!!

trishatfox said...

I love the header...but if you have a girl, you'll have to change it. Or do you know something I don't?
I'm with Asher...the best thing about the cold is the cocoa.

Ann Imig said...

You're right, Trisha!

In that case I recommend:

My heart. My gut. My goys!


p.s. Heather I am so honored! xoxo

Mrs Montoya said...

The new header is fantastic!! Hot cocoa DOES make most things better :)

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Hot cocoa is the motivation for many things around these parts.

Love the header. Love you.

Unknown said...

That's a kid after my own chocolate-lovin' heart.

Have I told you lately that I can't wait to see you again in less than two weeks?!? WHEE!

Love the new header - it's totally "you".

See ya... ;-)

Cynthia said...

It seems it takes longer to dress them up to go out than they actually STAY out. Sigh. Cute little critters!

LisAway said...

Ha! Asher's just like me! I only go out to play with the kids because I know there'll be hot cocoa afterwards. :) He is SO cute. Thanks for giving us some video.

And the header is seriously great.

Jo said...

Could he BE any cuter?
I'm guessing no.

Love the new look & tagline. It suits your beautiful self just perfectly.

Anonymous said...

Oh my God!! My heart is bursting full of his cuteness. Really, really!!

Our boys would BEST friends

tracey.becker1@gmail.com said...

Cocooooaaaa.... Yum.

Alita said...

Ha ha ha... Did you give him cocoa?

Love the banner chica. It is Extraordinary ordinary! :)

One Crafty Mother said...

Is it weird that I teared up a little watching this?

He is so freaking cute.

And I can't believe MILES took that photo for your header? I love it.. and I was thinking "Man, Heather is great with the camera". WTG Miles!


Becky said...

I can't stand it's SOOOO painfully cute. Can you tell I'm longer for Ben's toddler age? Hold on to this boy.
Man. LOVE!!!!

Becky said...

And when I say "Longer" I mean LONGING.
Words are hard.

K and/or K said...

Does "my boys" mean you know you are having a third boy?!?! Or is that just me reading into things too much.

Have a fabulous weekend!

Sarah said...

That... was adorable. Squeeze that little boy... and give him cocoa!

Heather said...

so cute! "I don't care I just wanna go outside!"

Love the header! Glad to hear about the update on Asher!

Angie said...

I love, love, LOVE hearing little boy voices. Makes me sad that mine are beyond that stage. Such a cutie--that boy of yours. :) I last about 5 minutes outside, too, but here in VA it's 25 degrees not minus 10. Brrrr... how do y'all do it?

Christy said...

So happy for you all! Now I want some cocoa and a fab new header and a new tagline. :) Love it all - hope you're feeling well and am so bummed I'm not making it to Blissdom this year - would be worth the trek just to hear you talk.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Cool cool header! And I am with Miles. Bri g on the cocoa!

Christa said...

Believe it or not, I actually miss the putting-on-of-the-layers-and-layers-only-to-take-them-all-off-in-five-minutes... although we still do the cocoa, from time to time...

LOVE the header. Again, as my in house muse is almost 18, I had to draw my own... enjoy it while you have it!

And thanks for stopping by my place...

Lee said...

What this makes me realize is that you simply MUST post more videos of you and your life. Because then I feel like I kinda am hanging out with you or something. But I can NOT imagine what that would be like. "Get on my stuff mama." and then pile on all that stuff and then five minutes later come in and take off all of that stuff. You are heroic to live in that -10 degree stuff.

Happy Sunday my friend and wow, I LOVE your new header. The picture is awesome. I'm not sure you'll ever need to change it. Unless you have a girl. :-)


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