Happy Balemtime's Day by the way. Miles says Valentine's this way and I love it. He has no clue why his friends at school gave him little cards and candy, but he doesn't care WHY (for once), as long as he got to bring the candy home!
So here's what else these boys have been up to:
Miles - I told him the other day that I had to go get some "mommy things" done. He retorted, "yeah, and I need to get some Miles things done."
He is saying such funny things and developing a wonderful sense of humor. This morning, I came out of the bedroom and he looked at my hair and said, "mommy, are you Julie?" Julie is someone he knows with short hair. He was smirking and trying not to giggle when he said it, making a joke. I started laughing and the giggles came, while he looked at me like, "that was a good one, huh?"
Asher is sitting up pretty much on his own now. Not that big of news, you say? Well, I guess to me it is because it marks time once again. Even though the last seven months have been a bit rocky, he too is growing up so fast. Mackenzie and Ellorie came over today and I put Asher in the high chair and it shocked Mackenzie a bit. She commented on how it doesn't seem possible that he'd be old enough to sit up in the high chair on his own. I know!
So here's a photo of Asher and Ellorie's first Valentine's Day together:
And finally, here it is, the true big reveal. but only because there are a couple of pushy fellow bloggers out there that want to see the glasses and haircut and I promised. It feels so strange and quite nerdy to post this hammy photo of myself, but I guess I'll keep my word..
it's cuter in real life i promise oh this is ridiculous i can't stand it gotta go bye
2 clicked right here to comment:
Heather! you look amazing! I love it!!! Happy Valentine's Day!
Tsssssss! You have specs appeal!
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