
He just keeps growing!

Miles went on his first solo trip this week. Well no, not ALONE.

(Picture that-Miles off by himself, seeing the sights in New York City, hopping on the subway and grabbing a hot dog from a vendor.)

But he did go on a little trip without Mommy and Daddy. My sister brought him home with her after she was here for Asher's appointment on Thursday. He stayed one night at her house with his cousins and another night at Nanny and Bapa's with cousin Max. He had a great time.

When he got home yesterday, I was so excited to see him, I had to hold myself back from running to the car, snatching him out, and hugging him for the rest of the day. Oh, how I love that boy.

Being away from Miles was a totally new thing for me. The whole time he was gone I kept thinking I forgot something. Like one of my limbs.

The constant chatter was missing. No one was asking me why this or why that. The things that wear on my nerves after a long day were strangely missed. I'm so glad he's home.

But I won't lie. It was good for both of us. Miles needed some fun, a break from the cries of his brother and all the attention that takes from him. He came home different, a little lighter, and seemed so much more grown up. We both have had a little boost in our appreciation for each other. You know, that whole "absence makes the heart grow fonder" thing.

My sister, her husband, and cousin Max stayed here after bringing Miles home to babysit our boys while Ryan I went to a wedding. (I know, waaay nice.) When we got home from the wedding, they informed us that when they told Miles it was time to get ready for bed, he started picking up toys and putting them away, WITHOUT BEING ASKED!

Could it be that something we've been saying has been sinking in? Or maybe he was just stalling, trying to stay up with cousin Max awhile longer. Either way, I think he's really cool.

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Kristina P. said...

Miles is definitely very, very cool.

mrs boo radley said...

Yea, Miles, way to be. Such a helpful boy. Your mommy loves you, I can tell.

Becky said...

I love this post. (What am I saying? I love all of your posts!) But this one speaks to me.

Sometimes when I get stressed out, I work harder, do more, move faster, somehow thinking that this will solve the stress, when all I really need is a break. Breaks make me appreciate my kids more. I remember why I love them so darn much.

So, yes. I love this post.

Sara@iSass said...

I'm so glad Miles got to have a fun day, you you had a chance to get away for a time too! I so love being away for the constant chatter and noise of my children every now and then. My heart smiles for you and Miles and your fun break.

Anonymous said...

So glad you each had a chance to set your buckets down! I remember the first time Owen was gone for the weekend... I was dumber than a post. It's downright amazing how much I took for granted that he was right behind me. All. Of. The. Time. lol But really, it made me see him in a whole new light; appreciate him, More. Of course, the same was true for him too. Kids love a good adventure, but there really is no place like home. That's it. I motion the next party after WC is Wizard of Oz.

Blessings, Whitney

Kate Coveny Hood said...

He's adorable. And what a great family you have. So supportive.

Karen Mello Burton said...

That little Miles is a looker! It really is a big deal when you don't need to be by your little boy's side all of the time. But it takes so long for us as moms to adjust to that idea, so God set up humans to need around eighteen years to be independent. No other animal mommy on earth gets that much time to hold on!

Jillene said...

Isn't that funny how when they are gone you feel like someone cut your leg off? I have felt the SAME way!!

Sabrina said...

and I know you feel the same way when i leave your house too. :)

Miles is the man! I heart him lots!

Cynthia said...

Sometimes you really need to opportunity to 'miss' them. We're lucky to have a lot of family around who are willing to give us that opportunity. Every now and then an overnight excursion to Grandmas so my honey and I can have alone time is SOOOO wonderful.

I'm glad Miles got some 'special time'. I hope things will soon be back to normal in your home and little Asher won't have so many reasons to cry.

Anonymous said...

I dread the day I have to let Anja go somewhere without me. I did an overnighter during the summer and by the next day I was going crazy missing her!

Heidi said...

No doubt about it, a little time away from each other is good for mommy's and their kiddies. Glad you both got some!

Erin said...

What a sweetheart! He started cleaning up without being asked...he is a great example to his little brother. And I think it's great you (and he) had a little time apart to remember why you love each other so much.

Melanie Jacobson said...

I get like this when my little one's been asleep for a few hours. I'll be catching up on my DVR and see a cute kid and turn to my husband and say, "I just want to go wake the baby up and kiss him."

And he always says, "Don't you dare."

Kelly @ Love Well said...

My kids have no opportunities for this, and it's been a few years since I've had the chance to leave them for a get-away. But just reading this post made me feel refreshed. I look forward to getting Teyla through this season so I can enjoy a little separation -- which will then make my heart feel fonder.

That Girl said...

A most excellent post. THOSE are the times to remember.

happygeek said...

I find that sometimes my boys just need a break from me and from being in trouble all the time.
It just refreshes all of us.
So glad he had a good time!

Ron Simpson said...

the absolute best and worst thing about kids is that they grow up ..

my oldest is 28 .. I remember when she was around 3 .. I as preaching at t church that was having family portraits taken that weekend .. the photographer knew me from similar work at the church I attended .. he put her standing in a wicker chair and took a few shots .. he sent them to me later .. I want to have her now just like then .. but I want her now like she is too ..

I guess the good thing is that I have her now and will always have her in my heart .. every way she was .. at every age ..

still ......

Mozi Esme said...

How do you get them so well trained?!

I know about that missing a limb! Whenever Esme is away somewhere with her Daddy or something, I keep wondering what I'm missing...

Nina said...

Aww.... isn't it sad to see them starting to grow up. I miss my oldest so much when he stays at Grandma's for a night. It is hard to deal with the seperation.

Peanut said...

I had to be away from KK for five days when my Grandma died. It was torture but it was also the best thing for us. We ran to each other and bawled our eyes out when we were reunited.
Sometimes I feel like I'm so busy with my youngest, that I forget just how cool KK is. Cool like Miles (except she seems to forget how to pick up her toys when mommy's not around!)

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