Did you know I joined the Bloggers Annex team?
Well, I did. So that means I get to read all the submitted posts and have a part in choosing those that are featured. And today my big introduction post is up over at the Annex. Check it out and leave me a comment over there. That will make me feel better about rambling on about myself and posting a picture that looks nothing like me on a daily basis. (You know, I look showered and I'm wearing make-up. Weird.)
In other news, the man behind the Mother Letter Project is doing another cool thing today. He rocks. He has a Mr. Linky type of thing over at the Mother Letter Project blog. Everyone is welcome to talk up one of their favorite organizations (charities) and link up over there.The organization I'm going to link to the Mother Letter Project is...(drumroll....)...
You're probably getting sick of me saying this, but International Justice Mission, people! This organization is just simply amazing. It's president, Gary Haugen has written a couple of books about what IJM does. They are eye-opening reads, educating the reader on modern-day slavery, corrupt governments, and adults and children being sold into prostitution. I wish I could find the words to say how moved I've been in reading the stories of a freedom found for thousands of slaves because of the hard work of IJM.
So check out the IJM link to learn more about how you can support them, and to get information on Gary Haugen's books. And check out the Mother Letter Project link to see who else has linked up and given us information on organizations near and dear to their hearts. This rocks!
Thank you, Bloggers Annex for allowing an ordinary girl like me to join the team.And thank you, mystery man behind the Mother Letter Project. You're doing things that make a difference. And that makes all the difference this holiday season!
11 clicked right here to comment:
Yay! I'm heading over there RIGHT now :)
Congrats on being featured!
And I saw your picture over on Sabrina's blog. You are so adorable!
I've found some great sites through Bloggers Annex (hi! - yours!)
Once I submitted something - but never heard back... Any suggestions for what would be appropriate?
The International Justice Mission, eh? Sounds worthy of note. I will have to check it out.
It often makes me really sad to think of the inequality in this world. We whine about some pretty dumb stuff here in America when compared with the poverty, slavery, and pestilence that is everyday in other parts of the world.
Not to diminish the real suffering of all people, of course. But we have so much to be grateful for and, as such, we have so much we can share.
So, you're ordinary--but you are also extraordinary! I'm glad you posted that pic--I like it almost as much as your facebook profile photo.
What a great match you and the Annex are. Inspirational. Positive. Giving. Loved your intro.
I am glad you are part of the AnneX team. I will have to go check out your extraordinary photo!
I haven't submitted anything in awhile. I should get on that. :)
What a coups to be invited to join the Annex. Most of my favorite people are there, and NOW most of my favorite people are in charge! Yay!
Keep talkin' about IJM!!
Keep talkin' about IJM!!
I enjoyed reading your intro post. And isn't it amazing what a shower and a little make-up will do for you? I think you're beautiful in all the pictures you post :)
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