
Lift the funk in 4 easy steps

Posted on Wednesday~February 18, 2009

When it's just one of THOSE days, the kind where I can't focus and I don't get anything done and I don't care and then I'm sad? The kind where my funk is making my boys all funky?

I round up the grumpy people (myself included)...

And I tell them to get ready...

I crank up the music...

Who can stay funky after a dance-out?

It works for us.

For more Works-For-Me posts, head on over to Rocks in My Dryer

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Kristina P. said...

Asher is hilarious!

LisAway said...

Great shots. Asher is AWESOME and Miles has those Elvis eyes.

Great solution for beating the funk!

Brooke said...

Those pictures are AWESOME! They made me laugh AND want to get up and dance!

Wanda said...

Oh yea! I wanna dance!

Great advice, mama!

Lara Neves said...

Those are the best pictures ever. Asher is too funny!

Sabrina said...

I do the same thing! But I put on Whitney Houston records and dance around... It's so cathartic!

Elizabeth said...

I'm laughing so hard I don't know if I can type!

This doesn't surprise me about you at all. What a brilliant way to beat the funk!

And I love these pictures: the bruise on Asher's forehead, his one black sock, and the looks on their faces. Love it!

Sarah@Life in the Parsonage said...

Oh that last picture just makes my day :)

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

The Black Sock Dance! I do it all the time! This is quite possibly my favorite WFM post ever.

Nina said...

That is cute!!! I am always in a better mood after some good music.

Kate Coveny Hood said...

"Dance it out" makes me think of Meredith and Cristina from Grey's Anatomy. I think Miles and Asher are cuter though.

Kate Coveny Hood said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mrs boo radley said...

I was just dancing in my kitchen a moment ago...blinds open...I have no shame.

And those are some priceless expressions on those wee faces.

Rach@In His Hands said...

Asher is a rock star.....awesome pics!

The Mom Jen said...

SO darn cute, i'm going to have to try that today...i need to get the funk out.

Radioactive Tori said...

Those pictures are all awesome but the last one made me laugh out loud! Awesome!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

We do the same thing quite often around here - great pictures! Thanks for reminding me to turn the music on today!

Angie said...

LOVE these pictures. :) We dance often in our home... and it is such a great funk lifter.

I tell my kiddos when I wake up in a funk that we only have one rule for the day, "We have to have fun instead of funk." Then if one of us is grumpy or whiny (including me), we call each other on it.

You make me smile.

Heidi said...

That Asher is one hunk o' burning love!

Erin said...

Yay for dancing! And the fun thing is, we can look absolutely ridiculous and our kids love it even more!

Aquaspce said...

Very true, a dance out is exactly what we need sometimes too!

Sara@iSass said...

LOVE the pictures!
Ya'll so Funky!

Jen said...

what an excellent idea. I think some dancing is in order for us this afternoon.

Karen Mello Burton said...

We do the same thing! We also song at the top of our lungs. My boys know way too many Donny Osmond songs from days like this!

Dawn @ simply transparent said...

so true so true and the kids love it!

Great post!

Annette Lyon said...

The look on Asher's face is priceless!

sara said...

that last picture is PRICELESS!!!

and you're right....it works!!!

Anonymous said...

Great pics! I "blast" out the funk too. You're an awesome mama, Heather!

Megan@SortaCrunchy said...

As you know, this is EXACTLY how we tell that funk to SCAT around our house, too! FUN!

Growin' With It said...

asher's expressions crack me up!

Stephanie said...

Asher's face? I love it! Good for you, mom.

happygeek said...

I LOVE the naked w/ one sock look. Asher really knows how to work it.

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! I love the pictures and get down and groovy look on Ashers face!

Crock said...

Put drumstix in that boy's hands and you've got yourself a Dave Jr!

rock on little man....
xo, crock

Melanie Jacobson said...

Dance outs should be madatory. Asher rocks.

Lisa said...

LOOK at that face! He's feelin' it for sure!

Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

I am digging the "one sock" look. There is something about dancing that seems to automatically lift spirits.

Mrs. Dunbar said...

OMGoodness... that last picture is phenomenal!! It should be blown up and put by your front door or your fridge for whenever you need a pick-me-up.

Kristina P. said...

P.S. I was first again. Booyah!

Jessica Stock said...

I love this! Great idea, one I often forget, and the kids LOVE. You're a cool mama.

Anonymous said...

That. was. AWESOME!! We like to dance the funk out over here too!! The pic of your little diapered dude makes me want to squeeze him!!! Rock on funky people!


MommyTime said...

Okay, that last photo is PRICELESS! I adore it. And we do the same thing. Dancing makes everything better.

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

Oh. My. Goodness.


Just pure love. No other words for you all.

And the pink girl comment - sheer genius. Love it. I {heart} Miles and Asher. And of course you. <3

Katina Sharp said...

Oh, my goodness. I love that Asher is wearing only a diaper and single sock. I'm so glad to see we're not the only family who sports that outfit. :) The look on Asher's face is priceless. Thanks for the smile today.

wendy said...

Hysterical pictures!!! Love the one at the end. Nothing like some music and mannia to just let it all out.

Jennifer said...

I love the dancing in a diaper and one sock!

charrette said...

Asher is Hilarious! What a great photo. That could cure my funk once and for all! Sounds like we need to crank up the music at our house too...

--Although, on second thought, subjecting myself to teenage ridicule might not be the panacea I'm looking for.

(I posted a comment earlier and it disappeared, so if you suddenly get two from me, it's not necessarily that I'm incoherent.) :)

Debbie said...

Look at that Asher! What a doll. That is the best photo ever!

Peanut said...

Yes, this will be working for us today... very soon I think!

Those are some serious dance moves Asher's got! And I love the grumpy faces :)

Jules said...

I love, love, love that last picture! What a face! :)

Thanks for the dancing tip. It does help to cure a lot of what ails us, doesn't it? I needed the reminder since 3/4 of my children are at the age where they just look at me strange when I try to dance. I have to remember to do it for the 1/4 who will love it!

CC said...

You are so right! I so need to do this. Every day! 7am. Let's DANCE!!!!!!!

Carolyn said...

Fabulous pictures!

And what a great idea. Who can be funky when they're dancing? Or, if they are, at least their funky in a good way.

Dedee said...

Love it!

Oh, and in my house, one sock on and one sock off is Pablo with a peg-leg!

Blessed said...

Sugar and I do that too... Hubby doesn't get it, but he'll be back at work soon! :)

Mozi Esme said...

that would work for us, too! love the photos...

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